How Dust Can Negatively Impact Your Tucson HVAC System

by | May 30, 2020 | HVAC Blog

The severe weather in Tucson and the surrounding areas can be hard on HVAC systems. Scorching days, occasionally chilly nights and blowing desert dust and dirt all take a toll. Dirt and dust, in particular, can significantly impact your heating and cooling system in several ways. Here are a few important reasons you should keep your HVAC system clean:

Dirt Can Compromise Your Efficiency

If they’re left unattended for a long enough period of time, the mechanical parts that power your HVAC can become clogged with enough dirt to impair their proper function. This causes them to work harder to achieve the same results and ultimately costs you money on your utility bills. That’s why the Environmental Protection Agency suggests that having your HVAC components cleaned is a good way to save money and boost efficiency. Dust can also clog your ducts, restricting airflow and further compromising your system’s ability to heat and cool effectively.

In addition to having your ducts and other HVAC components cleaned, you should change your air filter at least once a month. If you have pets, you will need to change your air filter more frequently because of the dirt and fur that will accumulate in your home. A clogged air filter will prevent your HVAC system from delivering adequate airflow throughout your home, which will make it inefficient.

Dust May Lead to Poor Air Quality

Believe it or not, indoor air quality is often far worse than outdoors. One of the biggest reasons for this is an HVAC system that doesn’t properly filter out dust and other particulates. An HVAC system that allows these fine particles to pass through into the air you breathe could increase the risk of allergies, respiratory illnesses and other ill health effects. If you suspect that dust is affecting the air quality inside your home, one way to be sure is to conduct an indoor air quality assessment.

To learn more about how you can avoid the negative effects of dust in your home, check out Oasis Air Conditioning & Heating’s duct cleaning services or call to speak with a helpful representative.

Originally published in August 2018, updated in May 2020


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