5 Common Benefits of an AC Spring Tune-Up in Tubac, AZ

by | Apr 19, 2021 | HVAC Blog

Spring is here in Tubac, AZ, and while the nighttime temperatures are still cool, the daytime temperatures are rising quickly. Before it gets too hot this spring, it’s a good idea to get a tune-up for your HVAC system. Here are five benefits you can enjoy with an AC tune-up this spring.

Better Overall Performance

With spring temperatures on the rise, a functional AC offers quick relief from the hotter weather. When we perform a spring tune-up, we look over every component to spot issues that can lower your AC’s performance. Preventive maintenance allows us to resolve issues and make needed repairs before they become urgent.

Extended Lifespan

An air conditioner’s typical lifespan is 10 to 15 years, with 12 years being the average. Regular maintenance helps keep your system in working order and adds years to its life, which helps you avoid the cost of replacing it too soon.

Greater Efficiency

It’s wise to keep a close eye on any unexplained increases in your energy bills. When your AC system needs a tune-up, it’s not as efficient as it should be. This means your AC system is using more energy to provide the same level of comfort.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Tune-ups also improve your home’s indoor air quality. Dirty air filters allow particulates and pollutants to circulate throughout your living space, impacting your health and your house’s cleanliness. Dirty air filters also make your AC system work harder, which wears it out faster.

Lower Energy Bills

Everyone wants to save money, and scheduling regular maintenance is one of the easiest ways to save on your energy bills. After your AC system has a spring tune-up, it will run more efficiently, its components will stay in excellent condition longer, and your home’s air will be cleaner.

Don’t let your AC quit on you when you need it most. Contact us at Oasis Air Conditioning & Heating today to learn more about the air conditioning services we offer to keep your system in top condition.

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