Is Your Green Valley, AZ Heat Pump Ready for the Summer Heat?

by | Jun 27, 2020 | HVAC Blog

A heat pump is an essential system for your home in all seasons. During the summer, you need your heat pump to function at its best. Here’s how to make sure your heat pump can handle the hot summer weather in Green Valley, AZ.

How Does a Heat Pump Work to Cool Your Home?

A heat pump is like an air conditioning unit that can work in reverse. During the summer, a heat pump moves warm air out of the house to keep you cool. Heat pumps are better at dehumidifying than standard central air conditioners are.

Checking Your Heat Pump

There are a few things you can do yourself to get the most out of your heat pump. Completing the following tasks can save you money on your cooling costs and lessen the wear on your unit:

  • Check your air filters and change them as needed; frequent usage means changing them more than usual.
  • Adjust your thermostat by changing it from Heat to Cool and setting the fan to Auto instead of On.
  • Set the temperature as high as you are comfortable with.

Get Ready for High Temperatures

While you know which temperature keeps your family happy, only a professional can do a thorough inspection of your heat pump. You’ll want to make sure your heat pump also has clean condenser coils and lubricated fans so that it’s ready for the hottest heat the summer can bring. Fortunately, a typical summer heat pump tune-up is fairly easy on the wallet.

Your heat pump needs to be in top condition to keep sweat at bay. At Oasis Air Conditioning & Heating, we can offer you the best and most reliable maintenance and repair services your current heat pump.

Call us today to schedule an appointment with one of our technicians.

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