4 Top Tips For Peak HVAC Performance This Summer

by | May 29, 2019 | HVAC Blog

We all know that summer in Arizona can be hot and uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few easy tricks, you can keep your AC running strong all summer long and make sure that it is as efficient as possible, keeping your energy usage low. Follow these tips to keep your home nice and cool and your HVAC running at peak performance this summer.

Change Your Air Filters

One of the easiest things you can do to keep your HVAC running efficiently is to change your air filters regularly. Over time as air filters trap pollutants from the air, they can become clogged and force your AC to work harder to move air throughout your home. By changing your air filters every three months, you can ensure not only the performance of your system but also the air quality of your home.

Install a Smart Thermostat

In recent years, technology has made the process of keeping your home cool and efficient much easier. Smart thermostats allow you to set a heating and cooling schedule to keep your home comfortable while family members are home and awake or at work and on vacation. This small change will not only save you a ton of money on your energy bill but will also give your HVAC regular breaks so that it’s not struggling to constantly keep your home cool.

Check for Leaks

If there are any leaks in your home, air escapes to the outside. You can seal leaks with caulking or insulation. This will help your HVAC run more efficiently while still keeping your home cool.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

One of the best ways to ensure that your HVAC is running in top form is to schedule regular maintenance. If you live in the Green Valley area, call Oasis Air Conditioning & Heating at (520) 648-1755 today to schedule an appointment with one of our technicians.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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